Sunday, February 15, 2009

Confusing words or terms for Newbies

I made this post for the newbies like me out there.

Mods, if this is not necessary or have been posted, you can delete it. :eh::thumbsup:

Ok lets begin...

definitions of terms that are confusing:

I- 8 important words to know and understand

1) Url adress - (Uniform Resource Locator) Works like your home adress. This tells the location of any file on the net. (just like how your home address does). Also reffered to as link, direct link or just address
a) for images -…64561m.jpg
*take note on the last part of the adress...
url adress of images always end with
.jpg .bmp .gif and so on depeding on the format of the image

b) for sites -
c) for extension files -

2) friendster User ID - (reffered also as ID or user ID) this are unique numbers that friendster members have. Here is how to get user ID :arrow:…21%21.html
This ID's can be custumized also.
my ID is: 32428693
my customized id is: styker17

3) External files and extension files are the same - external files are files uploaded to any file hosting site and this files are linked to your profile using linkers...

two most used external files...
a) JS file - (Java Script)
b) CSS file - (Cascading Style Sheets)

*difference of the two: JS contains codes for adding your own boxes, adding effects on boxes, and so many other...while css only handles the general style of your page such as the colors and alignments of the fonts and boxes.

4) Tracker - a js code that tracks your viewer and makes a list of your visitors. sometimes called WVM tracker (Whos Viewed Me tracker)

5) onload handler - a js code that handles js codes that should be initialized when your page loads

6) File hosting sites - are sites that host files for website uses or for just storing them. File hosting site provides
the link to your file so that your page or your site can access them anytime.

7) Linker - a linker establishes a connection between your page and your file hosting site. A linker contains the the link to your file (the link i'm talking about is the url address of your external file). A linker is pasted on your page so that your page will know where your external files are and so it can read and access them.

*note: linker are provided here at fs talk. Linker wont work if fs filtered it already. If the linker is filtered, visit fs talk and look for the new linker. If there is no linker, just wait for about a day or two and the geniuses here will make one :eh::thumbsup:

8) main bar and side bar - main bar is the left column of boxes on a default format of a profile while side bar is the right column.

II- other words you should know
(arranged alphabetically)

BTW - by the way :rolleyes:

CBox - Chat box

encrypt - the process of transforming information to make it unreadable. Encrypting is done so to avoid the code from being ripped.

footer - the lowest part of your default profile. (you can see the copy rights of friendster there)

GIF - an image format. Stands for Graphic Interchange Format. Images in this format ends with .gif
a GIF contains a set of images that are displayed one after another does creating image motion. An animated GIF can loop endlessly (and it appears as though your document never finishes arriving) or it can present one or a few sequences and then stop the animation.

hover - the act of putting your mouse over an object on a web page.

iframe - inline frame. is an HTML element which makes it possible to embed another HTML document inside the main document.

marquee - an HTML tag that makes text scroll across the page

meettrail - the connection box. Displays your connection with the page you are viewing. You can see there how many common friends you and the page owner have.

opacity - the degree to which light is blocked. (zero opacity means being transparent)

poser - someone who acts as another person.

ripper - one who rips and uses your codes without asking permition (a very shameful act) :midfinger:

tooltips - a small box that apears when you hover a link. this box contains short informations about the link

WVM - whos viewed me

^ These are the terms i got confused about the first time i came here.
Hope it will help the newbies like me out there. :eh::thumbsup:


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